Second Life


Second Life

by Craig Mayhew

Notes on a second life

I have a keen interest in virtual worlds, they can allow you to design anything you want providing you have the time and the knowledge. This is what originally pulled me towards second life. Unfortunately when I…

Second Life   OpenSim  

Prevent second life "auto log out" after idle

The seond life viewer has "File, Edit, View, World, Tools and Help." along the top.

If you can't see Advanced, press Ctrl, Alt and D together - that will bring up the Advanced option.

Click on Advanced. Click…

Second Life  

Install Second Life on Ubuntu Hardy Heron

If you want to get the STABLE RELEASE of the ubuntu second life viewer, eg the same as the lindens official release then add the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list (you will need to do this as root e.g. sudo…

Ubuntu 8.04   Hardy Heron   Second Life   Open Metaverse viewer  

© 2005-2024 Craig Mayhew