Secure Upload Using SSH in NuSphere PHPED

15Mar 2010

Secure Upload Using SSH in NuSphere PHPED

by Craig Mayhew on Mon 15th Mar 2010 under Guides/Fixes
The most secure method of transfering files to and from your web server is via ssh. Here's how to set it up and some of the pitfalls to avoid.

If you are using Putty generated key files they first need to be converted to openSSH before they can be used by NuSphere. If you are using Putty (Pageant) then instructions on how to do this can be found here. If not then please ignore that link and continue on...

  1. Goto PHPED accounts, "keys" tab, create new SSH setting.

  2. If you already have your keys then select no. Otherwise select yes and PHPED will auto generate a key pair for you. (Please note the server needs a copy of your public key)

  3. Enable "Public key (ssh2)" auth method and add your OpenSSH key to "Public identity files" (Unless PHPED auto generated it for you, in which case it should already be there!).

  4. Create new SFTP or SSH "accounts" on Account tab. In options set "SSH setting" to the one you have just created.

  5. Enjoy your SSH uploads.

SSH   NuSphere PHPED  

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