Mounting a windows share on linux

24Dec 2010

Mounting a windows share on linux

by Craig Mayhew on Fri 24th Dec 2010 under Linux/Ubuntu
This command will mount a windows share on Ubuntu 10.10 (and obviously other versions):

sudo mount -t cifs // /media/share -o username=yourUserName,password=yourPassword,allow_other

"" - The name of the server with the share
"ShareName" - The name of the shared folder
"/media/share" - The local folder the share will be mounted to
"yourUserName" - The username for the share
"yourPassword" - The password for the share

If you don't have a password, you really should have one for security but here is the command anyway:

sudo mount -t cifs // /media/share -o allow_other

If you get the error:

mount: // is not a valid block device

Then you may need to install samba file sharing:

sudo apt-get install smbfs

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